About Us

Почистване на зърнени, маслодайни и бобови култури

Who are we?

Grain Processing EOOD is a company, which offers cleaning and processing services for cereal and legume seeds, peeling of legumes and oilseeds, as well as the entire consultation related to the design and layout study for this type of activities. In addition to the equipment, offered by Grain Processing, it provides training to the staff that will be working with it. The company also offers additional services such as cleaning of hopper agricultural produce to 99.99% pure final product state, packaged in big bags or from 5 to 50 kg packs.

Grain Processing EOOD is part of the Technomash Invest OOD corporate family, whose expertise and capacity support it relies on. Initially, our partner company was set up as an importer of nut processing equipment, while today it represents some of the best manufacturers of machinery and equipment for the milling and feed industry. Among them is one of the top equipment manufacturers for seed and grain processing enterprises – Akyurek Technology.

Grain Processing EOOD can buy up your products in bulk.

At Grain Processing EOOD you can order processing of your produce and tolling production of seeds and receive quality prepared products.

Grain Processing EOOD can be your consultant if you want to equip yourself as a farmer with appropriate, up-to-date and high-tech machines, which will improve and optimize your productivity and the quality of the product being clean.

Mission, vision and goals

Grain Processing EOOD sets high goals for quality services in the field of cleaning and seed preparation processes. Its mission is not only to provide first-class service to its customers, but also to contribute to higher standards in the field of this type of activity as a whole.

Our goal is not to achieve maximum tonnage of processed seeds but to ensure higher quality of the processing and respectively the final product.

Grain Processing EOOD offers a technological line with a full range of machinery needed for the perfect quality of the final product in the form of seeds for sowing or dry foods for human or animal consumption.

Our goal is to further renew the technology equipment offer and provide farmers with new opportunities for modern equipment with machines for additional processing of cereals and legumes such as buckwheat, spelt, einkorn wheat, beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas, etc.

In partnership with Grain Processing EOOD you provide your customers with a quality product, cleaned and dried according to international trade standards and the standards for seeds for sowing production.

Почистване на зърнени, маслодайни и бобови култури

Our services

Почистване на зърнени, маслодайни и бобови култури


Бобови култури | Маслодайни култури | Зърнени култури  | Други култури.

Почистване на зърнени, маслодайни и бобови култури


Почистване на ишлеме | Дозиране и пакетиране в Биг Бег торби и чували | Заготовки на ишлеме – белене, калибриране, пакетиране и др. | Белене на бобови и житни култури на ишлеме.


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